Cheats For Wwe 2011 Ppsspp
#Infinite Finisher
;You can't perform a signature moves
;while this code is enabled
;Credit Demon God
0xFFFFFFFF 0x005443CC
0x000006D4 0x3F800000
#Air Walker
;Only enable in the game
;Credit Demon God
0xFFFFFFFF 0x00399EB0
0x00000114 0xC2B5E2DF
#One-Count Pin Fall
;Including you and your opponent
;Disable before you win or lost
;Only Enable in the game
;Credit Demon God
0xFFFFFFFF 0x003797E4
0x00000064 0x00000003
0x00000068 0x00000003
#Can't Pin Fall
;Including you and your opponent
;Only Enable in the game
;Credit Demon God
0xFFFFFFFF 0x003797E4
0x00000064 0x00000001
0x00000068 0x00000001
#Briefcase Bar Always Full
;Sets briefcase bar to Full
;Only enable in the game
;Disable before you win
;Credit Demon God
0xFFFFFFFF 0x00379354
0x00000060 0xFFFFFFFF
#Briefcase Bar Always Empty
;Sets briefcase bar to empty
;Only enable in the game
;Disable before you win
;Credit Demon God
0xFFFFFFFF 0x00379354
0x00000060 0x00000000
#Iron Man Match - 99 wins
;Credit Demon God
0x0039CE94 0x63
#Unlock All
;Characters, Stages & Attires
;Credit Demon God
0x00542FD4 0x11111111
0x00542FD8 0x11111111
0x00542FDC 0x11111111
0x00542FE0 0x11111111
0x00542FE4 0x11111111
0x00542FE8 0x11111111
0x00542FEC 0x11111111
0x00542FF0 0x11111111
0x00542FF4 0x11111111
0x00542FF8 0x11111111
0x00542FFC 0x11111111
.::Max Attributes For CAWs::.
#Max Attributes for CAW 1
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0044A3C4 0x63636363
0x0044A3C0 0x63636363
0x0044A3BC 0x63636363
0x0044A3B8 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for CAW 2
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0044BC7C 0x63636363
0x0044BC78 0x63636363
0x0044BC74 0x63636363
0x0044BC70 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for CAW 3
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0044D534 0x63636363
0x0044D530 0x63636363
0x0044D52C 0x63636363
0x0044D528 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for CAW 4
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0044EDEC 0x63636363
0x0044EDE8 0x63636363
0x0044EDE4 0x63636363
0x0044EDE0 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for CAW 5
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x004506A4 0x63636363
0x004506A0 0x63636363
0x0045069C 0x63636363
0x00450698 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for CAW 6
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x00451F5C 0x63636363
0x00451F58 0x63636363
0x00451F54 0x63636363
0x00451F50 0x63636363
.::Max Attributes For Superstars::.
#Max Attributes for Batista
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x004406B0 0x63636363
0x004406B4 0x63636363
0x004406B8 0x63636363
0x004406BC 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for Undertaker
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0043CCCC 0x63636363
0x0043CCD0 0x63636363
0x0043CCD4 0x63636363
0x0043CCD8 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for Edge
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0043D3E8 0x63636363
0x0043D3EC 0x63636363
0x0043D3F0 0x63636363
0x0043D3F4 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for John Cena
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0043F15C 0x63636363
0x0043F160 0x63636363
0x0043F164 0x63636363
0x0043F168 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for Kane
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0043D0DC 0x63636363
0x0043D0E0 0x63636363
0x0043D0E4 0x63636363
0x0043D0E8 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for Randy Orton
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x004407B4 0x63636363
0x004407B8 0x63636363
0x004407BC 0x63636363
0x004407C0 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for The Rock
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0043C9C0 0x63636363
0x0043C9C4 0x63636363
0x0043C9C8 0x63636363
0x0043C9CC 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for Shawn Michaels
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0043F774 0x63636363
0x0043F778 0x63636363
0x0043F77C 0x63636363
0x0043F780 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for Triple H
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0043CBC8 0x63636363
0x0043CBCC 0x63636363
0x0043CBD0 0x63636363
0x0043CBD4 0x63636363
#Max Attributes for Chris Jericho
;100 Overall
;Credit Demon God
0x0043CDD0 0x63636363
0x0043CDD4 0x63636363
0x0043CDD8 0x63636363
0x0043CDDC 0x63636363
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Brie Bella: Win one Women's Championship with any Diva on PPV (WWE Universe)
Druid: Complete all 5 RTWMs
Ezekiel Jackson: Win 5 matches on 'WWE Superstars' with any superstar (1-on-1 Match only) (WWE Universe)
Finlay: Win 1 'SmackDown' match with any Superstar (1-on-1 Match only) (WWE Universe)
Gail Kim: Win 1 Divas-only match with any Diva (WWE Universe)
Goldust: Win 10 'Raw' matches with any Superstar (1-on-1 Match only) (WWE Universe)
Jake 'The Snake' Roberts: In the Vs. Undertaker RTWM, do not take heavy damage to any limbs in Week 9 against Jake Roberts.
Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka: In the Vs. Undertaker RTWM, win in less than 3 minutes during Week 10 Match of the Week
Mickie James: Win 5 Divas-only matches with any Diva (WWE Universe, 1-on-1 matches only)
Mike Knox: Win 5 'SmackDown' matches with any superstar (1-on-1 matches only) (WWE Universe)
Nikki Bella: Win one Women's Championship with any Diva on PPV (WWE Universe, 1-on-1 match)
Paul Bearer (Manager): Complete the 'Vs Undertaker RTWM' and beat him in under 90 seconds.
Ricky Steamboat: In Jericho's RTWM, win the WrestleMania Challenge against Ricky Steamboat (Must have completed all previous Challenge Matches)
Rob Van Dam: Complete Rey Mysterio’s RTWM with Rey set to “Good”
The Rock: In Vs Undertaker RTWM, win the WrestleMania Challenge against The Rock. (Must have completed all previous Challenge Matches)
Shelton Benjamin: Win 10 'SmackDown' matches with any superstar (1-on-1 matches only) (WWE Universe)
Stone Cold Steve Austin: In Christian’s RTWM, win the WrestleMania Challenge against Stone Cold. (Must have completed all previous Challenge Matches)
Terry Funk: In Rey Mysterio’s RTWM, win the WrestleMania Challenge against Terry Funk. (Must have completed all previous Challenge Matches)
Vince McMahon: In John Cena’s RTWM, win the WrestleMania Challenge against Vince McMahon, Sheamus, and Drew McIntyre. (Must have completed all previous Challenge Matches)
Vladimir Kozlov: Win 1 “Raw” match with any Superstar (WWE Universe, 1-on-1 match only)
William Regal: Win 10 “WWE Superstars” match with any Superstar (WWE Universe, 1-on-1 match only)
Yoshi Tatsu: Win 5 “Raw” matches with any Superstar (WWE Universe, 1-on-1 match only)
Zack Ryder: Win 1 “WWE Superstars” match with any Superstar (WWE Universe, 1-on-1 match only)
Cheats For Wwe 2011 Ppsspp Download
Cheats For Wwe Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Ppsspp
Batista (Civilian): In Jericho’s RTWM, win against Kofi, Henry & Batista in Week 8
Chris Jericho (Civilian): In Jericho’s RTWM, talk to Stephanie McMahon in the GM’s office, then win Week 1’s match of the Week, execute at least 1 finisher and don’t take heavy damage.
Christian (Civilian): In Christian’s RTWM, beat Tyson Kidd or William Regal in a Royal Rumble side story match.
Christian (Conquistador): Initiate the Week 4 Challenge in Rey Mysterio’s RTWM
CM Punk (T-Shirt): Purchase “ALL Axxess” from WWE Shop.
Edge (Civilian): In Christian’s RTWM, defeat Big Show in a locker room area during “Elimination Chamber”.
Jack Swagger (Civilian): In Rey Mysterio’s RTWM, partner with Jack Swagger during Week 3, then win the Match of the Week as Jack Swagger.
John Cena (Entrance/Civilian): In Cena’s RTWM, win the Week 8 Challenge against Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.
Masked Kane Attire: Win against Masked Kane in the VS Undertaker RTWM.
MVP (Civilian): In Cena’s RTWM, win both Week 5 and Week 7 Tag Team Challenge Match against R-Truth & Mike Knox.
Randy Orton (Ref attire): In Cena’s RTWM, beat Randy Orton in the WrestleMania Match of the Week during the Lost Week 9 timeline.
Randy Orton (Suit): In Cena’s RTWM, beat Randy Orton in the WrestleMania Match of the Week during the Won Week 9 timeline.
Randy Orton (T-Shirt): In Cena’s RTWM, beat Randy Orton in 3 minutes or less during the Week 12 “I Quit” match in the Lost Week 9 timeline.
Rey Mysterio (Civilian): In Rey Mysterio’s RTWM, eliminate Evan Bourne in the Royal Rumble and win the Royal Rumble.
Rey Mysterio (Evil) and Entrance Scene: Complete Rey Mysterio’s RTWM with Rey set to “Evil”.
Shawn Michaels (Civilian): Purchase “ALL Axxess” at the WWE Shop.
Ted DiBiase (T-Shirt): In Cena’s RTWM, defeat Ted DiBiase to win the Week 11 Tag Team Challenge against Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes.
Todo Americano: In Rey Mysterio’s RTWM, perform a finisher on Todo Americano while playing as Evan Bourne in Week 12.
Triple H (Civilian): In Jericho’s RTWM, during Week 6, escape to the parking lot without losing to Triple H.
Vince McMahon (Suit): In Jericho’s RTWM, win the WWE Championship against Triple H at WrestleMania XXVI.

Druid Arena: Complete all 5 RTWMs
Backlash: Win once at Backlash with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
The Bash: Win once at The Bash with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Bragging Rights: Win once at Bragging Rights with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Breaking Point: Win once at Elimination Chamber with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
ECW: Win once at SummerSlam with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Extreme Rules: Win once at Extreme Rules with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Hell In A Cell: Win once at Hell In A Cell with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Judgment Day: Win once at Royal Rumble with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Night of Champions: Win once at Night of Champions with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Survivor Series: Win once at Survivor Series with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
TLC: Win once at TLC with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Tribute to the Troops: Win once at WrestleMania XXVI with any superstar (WWE Universe, select match)
Edge/Christian Custom Entrance (As seen in his RTWM): In Christian’s RTWM, between Weeks 10 and 12, cash in the Money in the Bank against Edge and win.
ECW Brand: Hold 10 matches in Exhibition Mode.
ECW Belt: Play and win at Extreme Rules in Universe Mode
WCW Belt: Play and win at Backlash in Universe Mode.
WWE Tag Team Belts: Create a Team and beat the champions with the team.
World Tag Team Belts: Create a team and beat the champions with the team.
Million Dollar Championship: Use the Cheat Code 'historicalbelts'