Microsoft Silverlight Plugin F%c3%bcr Sky Go Mac
- Microsoft Silverlight Plugin F C3 Bcr Sky Go Mac Download
- Microsoft Silverlight Plugin F C3 Bcr Sky Go Mac Pro
- Microsoft Silverlight Plugin For Mac
- About Silverlight. Microsoft Silverlight is a free web-browser plug-in that enables interactive media experiences, rich business applications and immersive mobile apps. Silverlight works on all major OS's plus all major browsers, including Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and yes, Internet Explorer.
- Sky Go have never officially supported Chrome although it does work and a good proportion of their userbase use it successfully. There were some Silverlight errors fixed by Sky recently that show up in Chrome on their platform; it seems only on Mac OSX that isn't going to be supported by Google - well now anyway.
To install the Microsoft Silverlight browser plugin, you must have administrator access to your computer, and meet the following requirements. Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10; Mozilla Firefox 12 or higher OR Internet Explorer 7 or higher; Mac OSX. Mac OSX 10.5.7 or higher; Mozilla Firefox 12 or higher OR Safari 4 or higher. I think Sky Go is still based on Silverlight to support all their zany DRM - I can't wait to see this get phased out (Chrome went into the unsupported list because they blocked the silverlight plugin).
using the italian Sky tv website to see tv I'm getting this failure message 'Ti informiamo che Silverlight non è compatibile con Safari da questo dispositivo e che potrebbe quindi non funzionare correttamente. Per una migliore esperienza di visione ti consigliamo di utilizzare un altro browser a tua scelta fra quelli compatibili con Silverlight. Puoi consultare l'elenco completo su' regarding the incompatibily between Safari on my Mac with Silverlight feature..
Microsoft Silverlight Plugin F C3 Bcr Sky Go Mac Download
I've also download Firefox (lastest 25.1) web browser but I'm getting failure message ' Per visualizzare questo contenuto installa Silverlight cliccando qui.

L’installazione è richiesta anche se hai già utilizzato Sky Go su questo computer. Scegli 'Abilita il DRM' quando richiesto, in caso contrario non sarà possibile usare Sky Go. Puoi trovare la procedura per disinstallare il programma precedentemente utilizzato nella sezione FAQ - Problemi tecnici di
Per ulteriori informazioni su Silverlight visita il sito ' regarding the install of Silverlight (even if I've already installed)..
Microsoft Silverlight Plugin F C3 Bcr Sky Go Mac Pro
can you help me?!
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9)

Microsoft Silverlight Plugin For Mac
Posted on Dec 2, 2013 10:54 AM